Don’t Be Perfect: Be Valuable

Analysis Paralysis is a real and insidious.

The problem grows because we tend to speak in terms of necessity: I need more information; I need more preparation; it has to be perfect.

My suggestion to you today is that you focus not on being perfect, but rather on being valuable.

What is Perfect?

That is a genuine question: can you define perfection? Can you describe it?

Now think of your client: does your client define perfection in the same way? If you both drew a picture of “Perfect”, would the two pictures look exactly the same?

Perfection is a subjective value. In business there are so many factors to consider, between the product, the service, the delivery, etc. Where does perfection lie?

The word “perfect” should not appear on any work contract or in any strategy or quality assessment. What is perfect for your client may be an after-thought for you and a pursuit of perfection is an endless chase of an idea.

What is Good Enough?

But, you will say, I don’t want to be the business known for being “good enough”.

And rightly so. Good enough also, after all, means nothing in real terms.

There are not just these two options: “perfect” or “good enough”. So if you are avoiding perfection, don’t think that means you have to perform unimpressive work.

What is Valuable?

It is true that “valuable” is also subjective, but it is what matters to the person at the other end of the action.

If you are serving a client, then valuable means what is of value to the client.

If you are working on your own business, then valuable means what is of value to your business, as in what will help your business move forward towards its goals.

When you focus on value you are focusing on a specific outcome for a specific audience. This can be written on paper, this can be an entirely objective outcome that is agreed to by all parties involved. And thus it will be easier to determine when it has been achieved.